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Randy Moss on Goodell Being Biggest Reason NFL Is Going Downhill (Video)


It’s bigger than Josh Brown, and it’s safe to say that Roger Goodell could be looking for a new line of work after once again dropping the ball on a domestic violence issue.

Once again the NFL inflicted lasting damage on itself because it still can’t get things right when it comes to domestic violence, and it’s not even that hard.

The general consensus in any line of work, is that you don’t beat on women. Josh Brown gets accused of beating his wife 20 times, he’s suspended six games minimum, with further sanctions coming if its deemed damaging to the shield.

a stanch critic of the NFL during is playing days — Randy Moss just blasted Goodell for his handliing of Brown’s situation and every other issue.

While appearing on ESPN’s NFL Sunday Countdown — Moss labeled Goodell, “the biggest reason for the league’s decline.”

Flip The Page To See More Crush Goodell:

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