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5 Pro Wrestlers McGregor Swagger Jacked to Create His Persona


Conor McGregor is the most captivating athlete in the UFC due to his KO ability inside of the octagon and his antics outside of the cage.

When it’s all said and done, Conor will go down as one of the greatest trash talkers in the history of combat sports but it’s hard to look at some of his mannerisms and not be reminded of pro wrestling.

Theatrics have long been a vital part to the success of a professional wrestler. Whether it’s Classy Freddie Blassie, ‘The Nature Boy’ Ric Flair, ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes, ‘Mr. Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff and many that followed; a great gimmick turned great wrestlers into legends.

And it has done the same for ‘The Notorious’ Conor McGregor.

We have found a few examples of McGregor implementing aspects of pro wrestling gimmicks into his own persona.

1. Ric Flair’s Style

There’s no denying the McGregor enjoys the finer things in life but that wasn’t always the case. McGregor came from humble beginnings and once openly said that he spent all of his winnings between fights to maintain his hunger.

Somewhere throughout his maturity in the UFC, McGregor learned that brandishing wealth builds an aura around a person and makes them either admired or reviled by fans.

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