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Keyshia Ka’oir Finally Puts Rumors About Where Her Secret Kids Are to Rest (Video)

As Keyshia Ka’oir and Gucci Mane exchanged vows in front of millions of viewers in the BET special “The Mane Event”, tongues were wagging about where Keyshia’s kids were and if they were in attendance at the diamond-studded nuptials.

It has long been rumored Mrs. Guwop had abandoned her three children in Jamaica to pursue a relationship with the rapper. Furthermore, a woman with the screen name, tanyadazzle1 claiming to be Keyshia’s sister, took to Instagram to voice her sadness over not being invited to the wedding.

Keyshia took a small respite from honeymooning to address the rumors with the following tweets.

Mrs. Davis stopped by The Wendy Williams Show this week where she shared that both she and Gucci have children and that their children live with them. She went on to say that she and her husband made the decision to keep their children’s lives private which certainly makes sense.

Flip the page for Keyshia’s interview.

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