The real issue here is how the media has been silent in regard to Foster’s girlfriend Elissa Ennis. Ennis admitted to wanting to ruin his career and have his freedom taking away all because he broke up with her.
She admitted this isn’t the first time she has done this, but no one has written about the damage she has done to real victims.
No one is pushing the DA to charge her.
When athletes and entertainers are accused of violent crimes it is front page news that is talked about 24/7, but when proven to be innocent things go silent fairly quickly and that says a lot about our society. Reuben Foster isn’t a martyr because he still has a gun charge to deal with, but in this specific case what he was accused of just wasn’t true and media and specifically women in media should speak up about that.
Flip the page for video of Foster coming out of the courtroom and photos of Ennis.