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Twitter Reacts to Man Finding Out His BM Was Cheating & Squirted on Various Pieces Furniture in Man’s Apartment; Accusations Of One-Arm Woman Robberies & Scamming; All Parties Tell Their Side of The Story (Tweets-Vids-Reactions)

It’s time for all of us to gather around the warm glow of our computer and phone screens for a new love triangle/Twitter story.

Today’s story involves two separate Twitter couples,  and   and  and . The couples became entangled after an alleged affair between Yoshi and Baeless left AJ & Jazmineevee spilling all sorts of details on intimate moments before doubling down with allegations of leaking a minor’s nude photos and a participant short one arm.

As Twitter began seeing the dialogue ensue between the responsible parties, the story began going viral with a host of people weighing in on the messy scenario. Props to Twitter user Da1NONLYcmart1 for the simple, early, break down to get everyone up to speed..

A robbery, infidelity, missing body parts, and we are just getting started. To continue reading the saga of AJ, Jaz and Baeless, plus hilarious Twitter reactions, flip the pages.

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