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College Football

SB Nation A’s Reporter Jen Rainwater Calls Kyler Murray a Stupid, Selfish, Brat & Baby Who She Hopes Gets Critically Injured in The NFL (Deleted Tweets)

Kyler Murray is making a decision for him and his family. You can disagree with that decision, but in the end, it is his to make and he should be treated with respect.

The name calling from Athletics Nation reporter Jen Rainwater was bad enough, but to wish a young black athlete be critically injured because you didn’t like a decision that he made is sick and demented.

She shouldn’t be working in media and the fact she is playing the victim on social media just screams of white privilege.

A minority reporter would never be employed using this type of abhorrent and sick language on social media.  I am calling for SB Nation and Athletics Nation to immediately relieve her or her duties.

If they don’t I will take that to mean they are co-signing this type of behavior from their employees.


She’s been fired.

Flip the pages for her sick tweets that of course, she deleted and how she doesn’t think they are problematic.  She also harassed another MLB reporter via text and spoke terrible about someone’s dead parents, she is a horrible person.

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