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ESPN’s Will Cain Believes We Should Ignore Any Racism That Happened in The Past & Stop Being Offended About Centuries of Oppression as If It Still Doesn’t Happen (Video)

I am disappointed that First Take and ESPN lets Will Cain spew this type of nonsense and then promotes it as a debate. When in reality it is just their way to cater to a MAGA audience.

It is amazing that Max Kellerman a white man has to be the voice of reason on racism and continually has to call out Cain on just being a horrible person (remember when he called Antonio Brown a terrorist).

Teams have distanced themselves from a singer Kate Smith because she had some racist songs back in the 30s.

Of course, white people are upset about this because since it happened so long ago they feel it doesn’t matter. As Stephen A. Smith that is easy for them to say because they aren’t the offended party.

I know what the “extra” verse of the Star Spangled Banner speaks about and it isn’t equality for black people. American in general claims to be a country of the free, yet I do a story every day about a black person or child being brutalized by the cops or done wrong by the justice system.

Will Cain wants you to think racism is over when people like himself are just spewing the same thing that Kate Smith did in those lyrics just in a more subtle but still ignorant way.

It is disgusting, but hey it gets ratings right?

Flip the page for the video and some of the Twitter reactions.

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