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Ex-Lakers Darius Morris Apologizes For Beating Up His Ex-Girlfriend Kristen Evangaline

If we are being honest Morris should be in jail.

If you are inflicting those type of injuries on a woman and there is videotape evidence of your abuse you shouldn’t be walking the streets.

You just can’t go on Instagram and say you are sorry.

He is also being sued for being an abuser.

Kristen Summer filed the Manhattan Supreme Court summons against the 30-year-old ex-NBA player Friday.

The brief two-page summons says Summer’s case “arises from assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and gender motivated violence” involving Morris.

It was not immediately clear whether Kristen Evangaline and Kristen Summer are the same person.

Get this man off the streets.

Flip the page for the injuries he caused, a video of him terrorizing the woman, and his fake apology.

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