People don’t know how to feel about people recording a homeless Delonte West.
On the one hand, West doesn’t seem to mind, and it is good to know that, considering the circumstances, he is alive, but on the other end, it is so sad and seems like some people are doing it just to go viral.
This recording was from a gas station in Houston, according to Clutch Points.
First, the youngster asked if West was in 2K and then the ex-guard proceeded to tell the kid to keep working hard and he can be just like LeBron James and any other star in the NBA. Some kind words from West.
Then, the mother of the boy asked why his family hasn’t taken care of him and Delonte West basically said he made sure they were all comfortable when he was making the big bucks but he never asked for anything in return.
To make matters worse for West, he revealed a couple of weeks ago in a conversation with a content creator that he’s dealing with mental health problems and even forgets sometimes that he played in the NBA.
“I suffered from mental health, you know,” West said. “I got early stages of the mess. I’m just losing my thoughts, man. … Sometimes I forget I even played basketball.”
All we can do is pray for Delonte West at this point. It’s truly a bummer he’s not playing the game anymore.
This happens to a lot of athletes. Maybe not to the extreme of West, but the majority of their money goes to family, friends, groupies, and hangers-on. They overspend and don’t invest their money well, and when they are out of the league, they have no way of making that money back.
Only a select few athletes are privileged enough to make generational wealth money while playing sports.
Flip the page for West, giving a really inspirational speech to a young fan.