Kenny Britt is suppose to be one of the players the Titans depend on this year.
This is leadership at its finest.
Titans wide receiver Kenny Britt took to social media on Wednesday to air out his frustration over a fine for missing an injury rehab session.
On his Instagram account, Britt posted a picture of a $9,915 fine on a piece of paper that says “2012 Tennessee Titans Fine Sheet.” Under the photo, Britt wrote: “Yu gotta be (expletive) kidding me.. walk back to dis.. Don’t dey know I have kids .. I’m tired of did (expletive).”
We know Kenny Britt has kids because he got into famously with his baby mama on Facebook.
Britt isn’t very good at social media, the English language, staying healthy or not getting in trouble in with the law. Britt’s Instagram account is now private.