I just wrote about Kelly Ripa and “bullying” possibly being the reason Michael Strahan is leaving Live. Ripa returned to the air this morning and addressed the “national controversy” as she called it. A line I actually found funny. The two locked arm in arm came on stage as they typically do and then Ripa addressed Strahan and the audience. The moment sparked emotion and she used humor to get through the delivery of her message.
Nobody but Kelly and Michael really know what is going on as it relates to how they feel about one another. The rumors of bitterness and jealousy are out there and you can find them if you want. Celebrity is an interesting notion, and in particular the way we (the general public) like to view and interact with celebrity. As always, when consuming the content around any “celebrity drama,” what does it say about us?
Check out Kelly’s message to Strahan and the ‘Live’ viewers!