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WWE Flip Flopping on If Sasha Banks vs Charlotte Will Main Event Hell in a Cell

sasha-banks-and-charlotte-hell-in-a-cellHell in a Cell is tonight and no one knows what the main event of going to be. Mick Foley announced on Facebook a few weeks back that Sasha Banks and Charlotte would main event the ppv. This match between them is historic because it is the first Women’s Hell in a Cell match featuring two very popular and recognizable superstars. This is a main event worthy match but WWE seems to be a little hesitant about it.

WWE has been building this as a triple main event with Rusev/Reigns, Rollins/Owens and Sasha/Charlotte. Vince McMahon sent out a tweet that highlighted Sasha defending her title against Charlotte but not as THE main event.

Just a few days ago Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer reported that Vince McMahon was against Sasha and Charlotte main eventing HIAC.

According to Meltzer and his sources, Vince McMahon is the main opposition to this but the creative team and Triple H want Sasha and Charlotte to close the show. Meltzer did note that McMahon changes his mind frequently so it was still up in the air.

Fast forward to today, PW Insider reports that Sasha and Charlotte will close the show. Looks like WWE made a decision but we’ll see.

Sasha and Charlotte are very talented and have worked very hard. They should main event for something this historic and it’s what their rivalry deserves. To top it all off, Hell in a Cell is in Boston tonight which is Sasha Bank’s hometown.

If there were a time to have a women’s main event, it is now.


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