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Twitter Story About Jealous Neighbor Texting Her Over BF Leads to Can Opener Go Fund Me

A good twitter story is hard to come by and luckily for us, and you, another one *DJ Khaled voice* surfaced online this week.

They say no good deed goes unpunished (still not sure who ‘they’ are but it’s been said). No where does this hold more true than today’s twitter story involving a user named @YungYinkV, her neighbors and a can opener.

Like a good neighbor @YungYinkV was there when she loaned a can opener to a guy named Josh. A young lady presenting herself as his girlfriend, via Josh’s cell phone, didn’t take too kindly to her act and the back and forth text battle jumped off.

Early moral of the story, don’t lend your neighbor a can opener, or anything they have to return. Stick to sugar or maybe an egg.

In this case “GF” texted the wrong one and she found out that day. Flip the pages to see what happened.

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