I think it is safe to say that Teanna Trump and Brittany Renner are best friends.
So, of course, Trump is going to have Brittany’s back no matter what. No one knows exactly what happened between Brittany Renner and PJ Washington. One day they were taking photos as a family and the next day they scrubbed each other off social media and were throwing subliminal shots at each other.
That would lead one to believe there has been trouble in paradise for a while and it just finally boiled over.
Soon as the social media scrubbing Renner went back to posting like she use to and hanging out with her friends. Washington was silent for the most part until he tweeted he felt Renner was faking all along and trapped him with a baby. This was a tweet he would soon delete.
This morning it appears Renner has some subliminal messages on her own. While most of them simply were co-signing that you have to protect your peace and happiness, a couple seem to point out that maybe Washington wasn’t comfortable with the fact Renner has a reputation in the industry.
To be fair this is a reputation she spoke about openly in her book, so it isn’t like Washington didn’t know who he was having a serious relationship with, but at least from the IG post, it seems like Renner is saying that Washington started to feel insecure about it after the baby was born. Also an old video of Renner telling women the easiest way to come up off a check is sleeping with an athlete because they are dumb has surfaced
Renner says she can be both a bad b*tch and a mom, but something went wrong and now their relationship at the moment seems to be over.
On a positive note, it appears Washington is loving being a dad as his little man is always on his Instagram story. If they can’t find a way to make it work out, hopefully, they can co-parent without much animosity.
Flip the page for the subliminal posts, deleted tweets and pics and videos of Renner.