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Teacher Alexandria Vera is on The Run After 13-Year Old Student Gets Her Pregnant (Photos)

Alexandria Vera

We have done a lot of teacher sex stories over the years, but this one is quite incredible.

A 24-year-old teacher has gone on the run in Texas after getting pregnant during a months-long sexual relationship with a 13-year-old student, according to court documents.

Alexandria Vera told police she initially resisted the advances of a boy who was assigned to her English class at the start of the school year at Stovall Middle School in Harris County.

But according to district court documents, a school police officer said Ms Vera had admitted to having a relationship with the student which lasted from September 2015 to the end of January 2016, during which they “had sex on almost a daily basis”.

But it gets wilder….

Ms Vera allegedly admitted to the relationship when she was confronted by the school principal Elsa Wright, but said the boy’s parents were “accepting of their relationship” and invited her to attend family gatherings “as his girlfriend”.

She said the family was told when she became pregnant in January this year, and allegedly told the school police officer they were “very supportive and excited about the baby”.

Wait there is more….

She said the boy first asked for her details on Instagram but she refused, until he failed to show up to school one day and she used the social media site to get in touch with him and “remind him of an assignment due”.

“She said he replied… and asked if they could hang out and she said yes,” according to the court documents. “She said she drove to his house and picked him up. They drove around for a little while and she said they kissed in the car.

“She explained that the next day, she went over to his house again because his parents weren’t home. She said this was the first time they had sex.”

When they showed up to arrest her she was long gone.

If you read all of this just to get to the photos, you know what to do, she is a very pretty teacher…..

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