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Watch Eliza Reign Who Claims to be Future’s 7th BM Call Him a Deadbeat Dad After He Ghosted Her; She Reveals While Dropping Thirst Traps That Future Just Had an 8th Kid That He Also Ghosted on From This Woman (IG Posts-Thirst Traps-Vids)

Future needs to be more careful and wrap it up in the future.

Eliza Reign, who is an IG model and claims to be Future’s 7th baby mama, took to her Instagram account Monday and aired out the rapper for a couple of things, per MTO News.

The woman, who goes by the stage name Eliza Reign, went on social media yesterday – to capitalize on her new found fame.

News broke yesterday on TMZ, that Eliza was suing Future for child support. Eliza says she hasn’t worked since she was 5 months pregnant, and was forced to sell her car to make ends meet. She claims Future made promises to her, then ghosted, so she took him to court as a last resort. She also says he forced her hand to make her look bad on purpose.

Bottom line … Eliza says she doesn’t need Future to take care of her, but she wants him to support the kid and not abandon “an innocent child.”

Shortly after the story went Live – Eliza leaked a bunch of thirst trap photos on Instagram, to capitalize on her new found fame. And along with the “explicit” pics, Eliza also called Future a “deadbeat.”

It doesn’t end there. Eliza also claims Future got someone else pregnant as well.

Yesterday, MTO reported that Eliza filed legal docs in Broward County, alleging Future is the father of her 4-month-old daughter. She’s also requesting child support and reimbursement for hospital expenses during her pregnancy.

According to Eliza, the pair have been in communication, and Future promised to look after his daughter, but disappeared again.

And Eliza is claiming that Future has another woman pregnant and is doing the same thing to her!! The new alleged baby mama’s name is reportedly Cindy and she is not an IG model like the majority of his other baby mamas.

Eliza is also claiming that by having Future’s baby, she kissed goodbye to 100k and even had to rock press on nails at one point.

This is a mess.

Flip the page for Eliza putting Future on blast, as well as some of her IG photos.

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