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Dwight Howard Says Don’t Worry About How Many Men He Got in His Bed

Dwight Howard’s recent controversy stems from a lawsuit that has been filed against him. Several men have accused him of various actions, which has led to widespread discussion and speculation in the media. Despite this, it appears that Howard may not fully understand why his name has become a topic of conversation. It’s worth noting that if it weren’t for the accusations, the general public would likely have no reason to discuss Howard at this time.

Howard recently addressed questions about his personal life during an Instagram live session. In response to a question from a follower, Howard made it clear that his bedroom activities are not something he wishes to discuss publicly. He further stated that people should respect his privacy and not be so nosy about his personal life.

Moreover, Howard suggested that some people are envious of him because he is not inviting them into his bedroom. Although it is unclear what exactly Howard meant by this statement, it seems to be a message to those who have been trying to pry into his personal life.

Howard is being sued for allegedly forcing a man he met on Instagram into a threesome with a man dressed as a woman named Miss Kitty.

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